- How much does the system and installation cost?

The system requires panels that are around 300 to 500W, the price of them depends on the kWp, but they usually cost between 100 and 300€/unit. It is also necessary an inverter that usually costs between 400 and 1500€, in case you want batteries you will need a hybrid inverter, which are usually more expensive. In case you want batteries, you can use gel, AGM or lithium batteries. The latter have a longer life expectancy and are usually around 1000 to 3000€. To finish the installation it is necessary a structure, wiring, charge regulators and a protection box. All this material can cost a total of 400 to 1000€. Finally, it is necessary that the devices are installed by professionals. Labor usually costs between 600 and 1200 €. That is, for an installation without batteries, the cost of the system is usually around 4000€ and, together with the labor, the initial investment for a solar energy installation will cost around 5000€.

- How long will it take to recover my investment?

Taking into account that an average installation requires an initial investment of around 4000€ and that this represents a saving of approximately 50%, the return on investment for installing a solar energy installation is between 5 to 8 years. This value is much lower than the life expectancy of solar panels, which can reach 25 years or the inverter, which can reach 10 or 15 years.

- How much can I save on my electricity tariff by installing a solar installation?

Currently electricity prices change depending on the time of day due to the new electricity tariff format. This change has caused many people to consider the use of an alternative energy source: solar. Spain is one of the countries with more hours of sunshine per year, adding to this fact the use of clean and renewable solar energy, you can save up to 50% in electricity bill costs.

- How do I legalise my solar installation in Catalonia?

The Autonomous Community of Catalonia processes on the basis of the existing state regulations for self-consumption, all procedures are telematic through the Canal Empresa: Canal Empresa gencat

There are different factors that vary the legalisation process of an installation, these are the following:

  • - Type of self-consumption (with or without surpluses).
  • - Generation power
  • - Injection of surplus energy into the grid
  • - Installation covered by surplus compensation

Depending on the aforementioned characteristics, 6 cases of installations are defined with their corresponding legalisation processes.

Below, we list all the cases, indicating the necessary documentation to be completed in each one, as well as the link where it can be found:

Summary of the administrative procedure in Catalonia. Source: IDAE Guide 021

Case a: Self-consumption generating installation without surplus of up to 100 kW.

- Notification of commissioning and registration in the Register of Self-consumption in Catalonia.

Documentación caso a


Case b: Self-consumption generating installation without surplus of more than 100 kW.

- Application for prior administrative authorisation and construction authorisation.

- Application for provisional operation for testing purposes.

- Application for definitive operation and registration in the Register of Self-consumption in Catalonia.

Documentación caso b


Case c and Case d: Self-consumption generating installation WITH surpluses ACCEPTING compensation of up to 100 kW.

- Application for provisional operation for testing purposes.

- Application for definitive operation and registration in the Register of Self-consumption of Catalonia.

Documentación caso c y d


Case e: Self-consumption generating installation WITH surpluses NOT ACCEPTING compensation of up to 100 kW.

- Application for provisional operation for testing and prior registration in the Register of Electricity Production Installations.

- Application for definitive operation, definitive registration in the Register of Electricity Production Installations and registration in the Register of Self-consumption in Catalonia.


Case f: Self-consumption generating installation WITH surplus NOT ACCEPTING compensation of more than 100 kW.

- Application for prior administrative authorisation and construction authorisation.

- Application for provisional operation for testing and prior registration in the Register of Electricity Production Installations.

- Application for definitive operation, definitive registration in the Register of Electricity Production Installations and registration in the Register of Self-consumption in Catalonia.

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