Inverter Chargers 24V-230V

What is a 24V-230V inverter charger?

Inverter Chargers 24V-230V, are sine wave inverters that connect to battery packs of 24 Vdc, generating 230 Vac AC from DC stored in such batteries.

This electronic equipment, as part of a solar kit, are able to generate a pure sinusoidal electric current, just as that provided by the conventional power grid, allowing the use of any electrical appliance in any location, anywhere remote. In addition, the charger function allows battery charging from an external source such as an auxiliary generator.

As part of a solar kit with or without wind generators; kit consisting of solar panels, a set of batteries, controller or solar charger and inverter; it is responsible for carrying out the transformation of the DC power generated cleanly and stored in the batteries, AC power usable to connect any conventional electrical appliance. Also with the plus of having the option to charge the batteries if necessary from an external energy source.


An inverter charger 24V-230V allows the generation of a local AC 230Vac grid when connected to a battery pack 24 Vdc. It also allows recharge the battery bank if necessary from an external supply, such as an auxiliary generator

Thanks to the variety of powers there is always a model that adapts to the needs of each user.

It can be connected to a pair of batteries 12 Vdc in parallel, thereby forming a complete solar kit with very few elements: two batteries of 12 V in parallel a solar kit, or even a single, a regulator or solar charger and an inverter 24V-230V. Furthermore, in parallel to the solar panels kit could also install wind generators.

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