Inversores senoidales 12V-230V

What is a 12V-230V inverter charger?

12V-230V sine wave inverters chargers are incorporating the ability to charge the battery bank from an external source. 12V-230V inverters start from the DC power of a 12V battery bank to create an electrical grid 230V AC.

Inverter Chargers 12V-230V, as part of a solar kit, are responsible for the transformation of battery power into usable energy for any conventional electrical appliance. The purity of the sine wave at 50 Hz is suitable for creating any electric charge at 230V; lighting, appliances, pumps, etc.

The charger function allows battery charging from an AC power source, such as an auxiliary generator or conventional power grid itself.


Inverter chargers 12V-230V enable, when connected to a battery bank 12Vdc, to generate 230Vac electricity.

Allow the transformation of the energy created by a solar panel or a wind turbine, which has been previously stored in a battery bank of 12 Vdc, in AC power at 230 Vac kit.

Inverter Chargers 12V-230V, as part of a solar kit can generate electricity into AC from batteries to 12V, and allow charging these batteries from an external AC power source, such as an auxiliary generator petrol or diesel, or even the conventional electricity grid.

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