Solar Kits off-grid

What are Off-grid Solar PV Kits?

The Off-grid solar PV kits from tienda-solar are composed of the main elements of the solar installation to generate electricity.

The Off-grid Solar Kits are those used in homes isolated from the electricity grid. These are composed of solar panels and batteries necessarily, with corresponding regulators, inverters, etc.

When and how to use the off-grid solar KITS?

Solar Kits for off-grid are especially useful to power loads located in remote sites or for any reason do not have a grid connection.

The kits are modular and adapt to the needs of consumption, being able to supply from the reduced consumption of a motorhome to a single-family house through a remote telecommunications system. Insulation kits can also be a good complement to reduce the consumption of diesel fuel used by a generator. The off-grid kits allow that, together with the connection of a generator, the house, warehouse or any other system that you want to supply, it is more efficient.

Off-grid kits are particularly useful and financially profitable when we want to power small to medium loads up to less than 20kW. Systems with very important needs for power and accumulation (solar batteries) can cease to be economically attractive, especially if the autonomy of the system (maximum time that the battery system can consume without solar generation) has to  be several days.

The most common and best performing applications of insulation kits are:

- motorhomes

- small-medium size pumping systems

- Country houses or houses without grid connection with powers less than 20kW As complements to systems without grid connection based on a diesel / gasoline generator.

Other non-grid applications with power needs not exceeding 20kW

Depending on the application and the power required by the system and the type of batteries used, we find solar kits of different voltages:

  • 12V off-grid solar kit
  • 24V off-grid solar kit
  • 48V off-grid solar kit

What do the solar off-grid kitsinclude?

Below, we explain the main components included in our solar insulated kits.

Solar panels: The solar panels for the insulation kits tend to be low average powers, less than 260Wp since in many cases the power required for these systems is not very high. It is also important to highlight that the voltage of the solar panels has to be compatible with the charge regulator as with the batteries and that sometimes implies the need to use solar panels with low voltages, which results in their total powers also being reduced. It is also common to use flexible solar panels that allow them to bend and install them on undulating surfaces

Solar Inverter: The solar inverter is the component that transforms the direct current from the solar panels to alternating current for use in the industrial warehouse, home, caravan or any necessary application. Solar inverters for off-grid as well as grid connected inverters or hybrids are classified according to their nominal power in alternating watts, knowing that they may momentarily give higher power peaks. The connection of panels is not usually oversized in power, unlike grid connection kits since the basis for the design of an off-grid installation is usually energy consumption throughout the day and its management and storage in solar batteries. Off-grid solar inverters are technically more complex than grid inverters since, in addition to making the conversion from direct to alternating, they have to be able to do it given grid parameters created by themselves. For solar installations with batteries it is necessary that there is a so-called charge regulator that allows the management (charge and discharge) of the batteries in a safe and correct way. Many of the off-grid inverters already have the solar regulator (usually MPPT) incorporated, especially when dealing with inverter powers greater than 2000W.

Mounting system: The metallic lattice system allows the panels to be anchored to the roof or surface intended for this purpose. It can be of two types: Coplanar, following and taking advantage of the same roof plan (the most common) Inclined with an additional structure of rails that gives it the angle we want to be able to optimize solar collection. These systems are usually made of aluminum to be lightweight, easily manipulated and weather conditions in the open very well.

Batteries: They are responsible for storing for a short period (up to 3 days) the electricity produced by the solar panels and thus use it at other times for household or industrial warehouse loads.

The batteries, according to the off-grid solar kit, can be of different technology:

  • AGM
  • Gel
  • Lithium
  • Monoblock
  • Stationary

It is very relevant that depending on the type of solar battery used, the solar kit is designed correctly for the electrical needs to be covered. Lithium batteries can be deeply discharged (DOD- Depth of Discharge) of up to 80% while lead-acid technology must discharge to no more than 50% of their nominal capacity. Depending on the battery technology used, we must carry out maintenance so that they work optimally during their useful life. If you want more detailed information about solar batteries and their types, you can go to the category of solar batteries.

If you need to find cheap off-grid solar kits or any other option contact us at

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