Since very recently it is possible in Spain to install solar panels to be able to self-consume the energy they generate without having to pay any taxes for it.

With the price of electricity rising at an average rate of 9.02% per year since 2008, having a solar installation at home or in a business results in a very good investment that generates savings of up to 70% of the electric bill in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

With a 25-year life span, your solar installation can offer you returns on your investment of close to 10% per year (in addition to a reduction in the property tax - IBI)  ( -self-consumption /)

If you liked what you have read so far, keep reading, calculate your savings and quote instantly with our online calculator and find out below how you can acquire a photovoltaic solar installation for your home or business.


What does solar self-consumption mean?

Solar self-consumption means generating your own energy for own consumption through a photovoltaic solar installation. This concept is applicable for an individual, usually a single-family house, or a company with industrial or productive facilities.


If our home or business is connected to the electrical grid, the solar installation reduces the consumption of the grid when the electrical consumption is carried out at the same time as generation. Therefore, it is optimal that energy is consumed at the same time it is generated, that is, during the day. As we consume the energy generated by our solar panels, the consumption component of the bill (the so-called energy term) is reduced, generating significant savings.

 However, what if I generate the electricity, but not consume it all?

In this case, the electricity generated by the solar installation is injected into the grid, producing an energy credit in your favor with the electricity supplier that can be compensated at the end of each month at the price it offers. The compensation price usually ranges around € 0.06 / kWh.

It is important to highlight that the energy compensation will never give rise to a negative monthly invoice, that is to say that the marketer will not pay the surplus that exceeds, in monetary value, the total monthly consumption. For detailed information on surplus compensation go to our blog post (surplus compensation)

Our house or company will always be connected to the network, which will guarantee the electricity supply under any weather condition. Self-consumption is a way to save part of the electricity bill by means of self-sufficiency in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Start saving with 3 easy steps.


What makes us different?

 -  Calculate your savings, cost of instalation, return on your investment and profitability instantly thanks to our online tool

 - A team of  local installers, close to you to provide a fast and efective service 

- Tailor made commissioning and start up service

 - Monitoring solution for your installation via mobile App which enables constant information of your savings and generation

 - Operation and maintenance services to ensure that your installation performs at ist best! (optional).

Start now calculating your savings and return on investment!

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