Solar Panels

What are Solar Panels?

Use solar energy in your home and business! The sun is one of the few sources of energy that are available in unlimited supply. With solar panels, solar power can be generated and used in an environmentally friendly and economical way. For this reason, the purchase and operation of solar panels are often associated with the possibility of a worthwhile investment.

More of Solar panels

Solar panels contain several solar cells connected in series or parallel. These are protected by a hardened glass pane as the uppermost panel layer as well as by a foil underneath. The sun's rays penetrate the two transparent layers and then hit the solar cells, which convert the UV radiation into electricity. On the reverse side, the cells are protected by a film or another glass panel, depending on the module type.

Simply install your solar system on your roof, terrace or greenhouse yourself and feed the electricity generated by your solar modules directly into your house. TIENDA SOLAR offers a variety of premium quality proven photovoltaic solar panels to suit every budget and achieve high-performance levels. They are also resistant to external influences and therefore very durable. For these reasons, our photovoltaic systems are particularly suitable for use in private homes and small businesses. The installation of solar systems is no longer the exclusive domain of specialist tradesmen: Now anyone can easily install them themselves. We offer solar panels at very competitive prices to make green energy accessible to everyone.

The right solar module for every need

Due to the abundance of offers, the choice of the right solar panel is difficult. In order to keep the overview and to find the suitable solar panels, the following questions have to be considered:

  • What performance should a solar panel achieve?

The performance that a solar panel should achieve depends on several factors, such as the type of panel, the geographical location, the orientation and tilt of the panel, the quality of the components, and the environmental conditions. Here are some key aspects to consider in order to understand what the performance of a solar panel can be:

- Solar panel efficiency: The efficiency of a solar panel refers to the amount of solar energy it can convert into electricity. More efficient solar panels can convert more sunlight into electricity, which means they require less space to generate a certain amount of energy. Currently, typical commercial solar panels have efficiencies ranging from 15% to 22%, although some high-end panels can reach efficiencies in excess of 24%. The efficiency of a solar panel is usually stipulated on the panel's data sheet. However, the efficiency described in the data sheet of the solar panel is considered in the so-called STC (Standard Test Coniditions). The electrical parameters of the solar panel (Isc / Voc and efficiency) are given at 25ºC cell temperature of the solar panel, 1000W/m2 irradiance perpendicular to the solar panel and a wind speed of 1m/s. The different factors described will be modified in the actual application of the panel. This is why the efficiency of the solar panel varies according to the actual conditions to which it is subjected. 

- Geographical location: The location of the solar panels plays an important role in their performance. Regions with greater sun exposure and less cloud cover generally have higher solar output. Locations closer to the equator tend to have higher solar potential.Geographic location is a relevant factor that determines the incident irradiance on the solar panel which may or may not be higher than the 1000W/m2 established in the STC (Standard Test Conditions) mentioned above. 

- Orientation and tilt: The orientation of the solar panels towards the sun and their tilt are crucial factors. In the northern hemisphere, panels should face south to capture the most sunlight throughout the day while in the southern hemisphere they should face north. The ideal tilt depends on the latitude of the location; in general, an approximate angle is equal to latitude minus 10-15 degrees. The tilt of the solar panels has a direct impact on the incident irradiance in the perpendicular plane of the panels and consequently on the electrical power generation capacity.

- Component quality: The quality of solar panels and associated components, such as EVA, Tedlar or internal conductors, will affect long-term performance. Poor quality panels may degrade faster and not reach their energy production potential. LID (Light Induced Degradation) and PID (Power Induced Degradation) degradation are usually the result of poor design or low quality solar panel materials.

- Environmental conditions: Climatic and environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity and pollution, can affect the performance of solar panels. Most panels have an annual degradation of about 0.5% to 1%, which means that their performance will decrease slightly over time. If you look at the data sheet of any solar panel you can see several performance coefficients. These are the panel temperature coefficient and irradiance coefficient. The first one establishes the relationship of the given power of the solar panel with the cell temperature (-W/ºC). This coefficient establishes a negative relationship which means that the hotter it is, the less the solar panel produces. The irradiance coefficient indicates how the intensity given by the solar panel varies with respect to the incident irradiance. This coefficient indicates that the higher the irradiance, the higher the current and power supplied by the panel.

In general, a good goal for solar panel performance is to achieve an annual electrical energy production that is commensurate with the owner's expectations and needs. This can vary widely depending on the location and the intended use of the power generated. To get a more accurate estimate, it is advisable to consult with one of our solar experts or use our online tool to calculate the solar potential at a specific location.

  • How long can a solar panel last?

    The lifetime of a solar panel depends on several factors, including the quality of the materials used in its manufacture, the design of the installation, local climatic conditions and proper maintenance. In general, solar panels are designed to have a useful life of at least 25 to 30 years. However, many solar panels continue to operate effectively even after this period. Some aspects that can influence the lifetime of a solar panel include:

    - Quality of materials: higher quality solar panels tend to have a longer service life. The materials used in the manufacture of the solar cells and in the encapsulation of the panels can determine their resistance to degradation over time.

    - Manufacturer warranties: Many solar panel manufacturers offer performance and durability warranties that can be useful in evaluating the quality of the product. Some performance guarantees promise that the panels will continue to generate a certain amount of electricity for a specified period, such as 80% of their rated capacity after 25 years, for example.

    - Climatic conditions: Solar panels are designed to withstand various weather conditions, but constant exposure to extremely hot, cold or humid climates could accelerate the degradation process.

    - Maintenance: Proper maintenance, such as regular cleaning of solar panels to remove dust and dirt buildup, can help extend their life.

    - Technology and design: The evolution of solar technology can also influence the lifetime of panels. Advances in the design and construction of solar panels can improve their strength and efficiency over time.

    In short, if properly installed and maintained, solar panels can last at least 25 to 30 years, and may continue to operate even beyond that period. When planning a solar power installation, it is advisable to consider the quality of the panels and the warranties offered by the manufacturers to make informed decisions about your investment.

    • What happens to solar panels when it rains?

    When it rains, solar panels are not significantly affected and, in fact, rain can have some positive effects on their performance. Here are some things that happen when it rains on solar panels:

    - Cleaning: Rain can help clean solar panels by removing dust, dirt and other deposits that might build up on their surface over time. This can temporarily improve the efficiency of the panels by allowing sunlight to reach the photovoltaic cells more effectively.

    - Cooling: Solar panels can become hot due to constant solar radiation. Rain can help cool them, which in turn can improve their performance. High temperatures can reduce the efficiency of PV cells, so the cooling provided by rain can be beneficial in this regard.

    - Energy production: Although the intensity of sunlight decreases during rain due to clouds and light scattering, solar panels will still generate electricity to some extent. Rain does not completely block sunlight, so power production does not stop completely. - Drainage: Solar panels are designed to be water resistant and generally have integrated drainage systems to ensure that rainwater does not accumulate on their surface. This avoids problems such as water accumulation that could affect the efficiency of the panels or even damage them over time.

    In short, solar panels are designed to operate in a variety of weather conditions, including rain. While energy production may decrease slightly during periods of rain due to reduced sunlight intensity, in general, solar panels remain effective and continue to generate power in these conditions.

    • What should the photovoltaic system look like?

    A solar system, also known as a solar PV system, is designed to capture the sun's energy and convert it into usable electricity. Here is a description of what a basic solar system should look like. This system is the main elements that solar panels need to channel and adapt the energy generated to the needs of domestic or industrial consumption.

      - Solar panels: The heart of the solar system are the solar panels, also called photovoltaic modules or solar panels. These panels are composed of solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity. The solar panels are installed on a structure that elevates them and orients them towards the sun to maximize the energy yield. They can be of different types, such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline or thin film, each with its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of efficiency and cost.
      - Solar Inverter: The electrical power generated by solar panels is in the form of direct current (DC). However, most domestic and industrial electrical devices and systems use alternating current (AC). Therefore, an inverter is needed to convert the direct current into alternating current, making it compatible for use in homes and buildings.
      - Mounting structure: The solar panels are mounted on a structure (aluminum, steel or concrete) that raises them above the ground or roof, allowing their correct orientation towards the sun. The inclination and orientation of the structure must be adjusted according to the geographical location to maximize solar exposure. We can find different types of mounting systems; fixed coplanar, fixed for flat roofs or single-axis solar trackers (the most common).
      - Wiring system: Solar panels, inverter and other system components must be connected by electrical cables. A proper wiring system ensures that the power generated is transmitted efficiently and safely. It is important to use solar cables that are double insulated and to use the correct cable cross-section to minimize losses and voltage drops.  -
      - Bi-directional meter: In some locations, a bi-directional meter is installed that records both the energy consumed from the grid and the energy generated by the solar system. This allows you to track the amount of energy flowing in both directions.
      - Storage (optional): If you want to store the power generated for use at night or during times of low solar generation, you can consider incorporating solar storage batteries into your solar system. The batteries store excess energy for later use. Depending on your needs and circumstances, you can choose lithium, lead-acid or stationary batteries. 
      - Monitoring and control: To ensure efficient operation and track the performance of the solar system, it is useful to have monitoring and control systems. These systems allow you to check energy production in real time and detect any potential problems.

    It is important to design a solar system tailored to your energy needs and the characteristics of your location. The help of a professional solar installer can be invaluable in ensuring proper design and installation.

    • Should a system be installed on or integrated into the roof?

    The decision to install a solar system on or on the roof depends on several factors, such as roof structure, orientation, available space, and personal preference. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

    On-roof installation (roof-mounted):

    - Available space: If you have enough space on your roof and the structure is adequate, this option may be suitable because it takes advantage of space that might otherwise be unused.

    - Orientation and Tilt: You can adjust the orientation and tilt of the panels to maximize sunlight capture. This is beneficial for optimizing energy generation.

    - Avoid Obstruction: If the surrounding area has no obstructions such as tall trees or buildings, the rooftop installation could offer unobstructed solar exposure.

    - Increased Energy Efficiency: By placing the panels on the roof, they also provide shade and thermal insulation to the building, which can contribute to greater overall energy efficiency.

    - Aesthetics: Some people prefer rooftop installation because the solar panels are less visible from the ground, which can be important for maintaining the aesthetics of the building.

    In-roof installation (roof integration):

    - Integrated Aesthetics: In this approach, the solar panels are integrated directly into the roof structure, which can give a cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing appearance compared to rooftop installation.

    - Less Wind: Integrated panels may have less exposure to wind, which could be an advantage in areas prone to high winds.

    - Additional Protection: By being integrated into the roof, the panels can provide an additional layer of protection to the roof while generating energy.

    - Higher Cost: Roof integration tends to be more expensive compared to rooftop installation, as it involves structural adjustments and greater installation complexity.

    - Roof Replacement: If you plan to replace your roof in the near future, you may want to consider integrating the panels into the new roof.

    Ideally, solar panels should be installed in areas or zones of the roof where solar radiation can be maximized and solar energy generation is most efficient. As mentioned above, in Spain, south orientation is optimal, but the location should also be considered: Regions with a high number of sunny days and significant solar radiation intensity throughout the year are preferred. Locations closer to the equator tend to have higher solar radiation.

    • Where should I install the solar panels?

    - No obstructions: Look for a lot or roof with little shade from trees, air conditioners, buildings or other obstructions that can reduce direct solar exposure to the panels and create shadows on them throughout the day. Sufficient space must be available to properly accommodate the solar panels.

    - Access to Infrastructure: In addition, the solar panels must be accessible for transportation and materials during construction and maintenance.

    - Regulations and Permits: Local regulations and building permits also play a crucial role in site and location selection. It is important to comply with legal requirements and obtain necessary approvals.

    - Suitable Climatic Conditions: While solar radiation is essential, the climatic conditions in the region must also be taken into account. Solar panels can operate in a variety of climates, but efficiency and performance may vary depending on extremely high or low temperatures. In summary, solar panels should be built in areas or locations that meet favorable conditions of solar radiation, access to infrastructure, and regulatory compliance, among other factors, to maximize solar power generation.

    • For what purpose should the photovoltaic system be installed?

    The installation of a solar system has several purposes and benefits, which may vary depending on individual needs and goals. Some of the common purposes for installing a solar system are:

    - Sustainable Energy Generation: one of the main purposes of installing a solar system is to harness a clean, renewable energy source, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels and contributing to climate change mitigation.

    - Reduced Energy Costs/Savings: Solar systems allow electricity to be generated where it is consumed, which can significantly reduce electricity bills over time. As the system produces free energy from the sun, dependence on the conventional electricity grid decreases. With self-consumption, the cost of generating KWh is only for generation, as it is not subject to transportation, distribution or commercialization charges. 

    - Return on Investment: Although the initial investment in a solar system can be significant, over its lifetime, owners can experience a return on investment as they save on energy costs/billing and, in some cases, sell excess energy back to the grid.

    - Energy Independence: Solar systems allow homeowners to be more energy self-sufficient. This is especially valuable in areas where the electrical grid is unreliable or costly to extend or expand.

    - Increased Property Value: Installing a solar system can increase the value of a property or real estate by making it more attractive to energy and environmentally conscious buyers. Also account for the savings this asset generates over its useful life.

    - Contribution to Environmental Sustainability: By generating electricity without greenhouse gas emissions, a solar system contributes to reducing the carbon footprint and caring for the environment.

    - Meeting Corporate or Institutional Goals: Companies and organizations often install solar systems as part of their commitment to social and environmental responsibility, as well as to meet sustainability goals.

    - Promoting Renewable Energy: By installing solar systems, individuals and organizations can help promote the use of renewable energy sources and encourage a shift to a more sustainable energy system.

    - Supporting Isolated Communities: In rural or remote areas, solar systems can provide a reliable source of electrical power where connection to the conventional grid is costly or non-existent.

    - Education and Awareness: The installation of solar systems can serve as an educational tool to raise awareness of the advantages of renewable energy and how individuals can take steps to reduce their environmental impact.

    Ultimately, the purpose of installing a solar system depends on the specific goals and circumstances of each individual or organization.

    • What is the environmental and social impact of solar panels?

    Environmental benefits of solar panels: One of the major benefits of solar panels is their reduced environmental impact compared to conventional energy sources. By generating electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or air pollutants, solar panels contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint and the fight against climate change. In addition, their operation does not generate toxic or hazardous waste, unlike other energy sources.

    Economic and social benefits: The use of solar panels also has significant economic and social benefits. Generating electricity from sunlight can reduce energy costs in the long term, since solar radiation is a free and abundant source of energy. In addition, the use of this technology can generate local jobs in the installation, maintenance and manufacturing of solar panels, thus boosting the economy.

    Challenges and solutions: While solar panels present numerous advantages, there are also challenges to overcome. Some of these include the variability of solar radiation, the need for energy storage and grid integration. Fortunately, technological and strategic solutions are being developed to address these challenges, such as advanced storage systems and the implementation of smart grids.

    Solar panel applications: Solar panels have a wide range of applications in different sectors. From generating electricity in homes and commercial buildings to providing power to remote rural areas, solar panels can play a key role in sustainable electrification. They are also used in large-scale solar energy projects, such as solar parks and photovoltaic power plants.

    Innovations and advances in solar panel technology: Solar panel technology continues to evolve and improve. Research and development is underway to increase conversion efficiency, reduce production costs and improve the durability of solar panels. In addition, new ways to integrate solar energy into architecture and portable electronic devices are being explored.

    Conclusion: Solar panels represent a clean, renewable and economically viable energy source. Their use has significant environmental, economic and social benefits, and they play a key role in the transition to a sustainable energy future. As technology improves and costs decrease, solar panels are expected to play an even more important role in the global energy supply. It is time to harness the sun's potential and make solar panels an integral part of our energy system.