II Solar Spanish Forum: Illusion despite the worst self-consumption law in the world

The Spanish solar sector claims a fair law for the development of self-consumption and the return of legal certainty

Chronicle Tienda-Solar. On 3 and 4 November it took place in Madrid the second Spanish Solar Forum organized by UNEF, photovoltaic association. They were two days of debates in which the sector has been able to share experiences and concerns with regulators in other countries, with politicians of all parties (except the Partido Popular declined the invitation at the last moment), with researchers pointers, with companies engaged in the internationalization support, with expert lawyers in energy … and a host of professionals who, in one way or another, are related to this type of energy.

It has become evident anger of companies with Royal Decree 900/2015 regulating self-consumption which was published a few weeks ago, on October 9, introducing the famous “tax the sun.” The amazement of the participants from other countries was evident, indicating that the Spanish regulation qualifies as the worst regulation of the world in self-consumption. The German representative of the International Energy Agency, Gaëtan Masson said the challenges he faces in Germany when he tries to explain the Spanish regulation. And it is not understood how a Royal Decree proclaims its intention to promote consumption may impose tolls for energy not consumed from the grid, and adjust also the energy poured into the grid without compensation. It is the only regulation of the world that includes these two unusual events.

Envy gave the representative of Portugal when explaining the new regulation of self-consumption that has just been adopted in our neighboring country. A simple and clear legislation in which, for example, smaller than 200 Wp facilities do not need anything, not even communication, and up to 1500 W only communication is done online.

Yet the sector maintains the illusion by the unstoppable advance of solar energy in the world. Solar energy is already the most competitive of all technologies in many parts of the world. The forecasts of the International Energy Agency make clear that, almost certainly, by 2050 solar energy will be the main source of energy in the world, ahead of all conventional and even ahead of the wind.

It was shocking to see how regulators in countries like Honduras and Mauritania covered in their energy plans to have a majority of renewable energy supply in the medium term, with the horizon in 2020. It is great to see how all the plans of integrating renewable estimate horizons between 80 and 100% of the total energy consumed by each country for 2050.

Creation of between 150,000 and 300,000 green jobs

The presentation of the various political forces provoked great interest, crowding the room. The defense of solar energy as an economic engine was evident in the involvement of all participants. Solar energy could contribute to the reindustrialization of Spain. Some estimates speak of 150,000 to 300,000 green jobs to be created in the next legislature. The winds of change coming to the elections, as all parties recommitted themselves to amending Royal Decree of consumption to effectively achieve its development. Similarly, the need for an audit of the actual costs of the electrical system revealed, also unanimously by all political participants.

Similarly, all political parties agreed to restore legal certainty to the Spanish electricity system. The voice of the sector was evident in a request generalizes: “stability is needed.”

The big bet of Spanish companies on internationalization in the forced part, has brought the risk of relocation so that the sector calls for finally give the green light to some activity in Spain. Activity does not need financial aid but of political will. With no legislation unfavorable consumption could be installed 400MW a year.

The event highlighted by a high technical interest and reveal the present and future of the latest research. “Europe must bet on the design it” was one of the most repeated slogans. Building integration (BIPV) and new technologies able to function even inside aroused the interest of the audience. One of the most repeated questions in the forum was “why do not we see the solar photovoltaic everywhere?”. The demand from industry was unanimous: “let us work”.

The final impression was a very good forum. Solar energy is unstoppable and the development of new batteries will accompany this globalization of solar photovoltaic so we can see everywhere. Solar energy is already present in the world and will enable a better future for the planet.


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